
July 9, 2020

Financial Sustainability: Reduce electricity costs with Solar and Energy Monitoring Systems

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at energy monitoring systems and how they can facilitate renewable energy opportunities to optimise energy and costs. The electricity mains profile or building electricity signature is unique for each building, that reflects operational activities and energy efficiency. Electricity monitoring is advantageous in the retail electricity market as it allows you to offer electricity retailers detailed energy consumption and demand patterns. This helps electricity retailers to offer competitive tariff rates for each half hour of the day and at other times of the week. Another bonus with electricity monitoring besides managing electricity in […]
July 9, 2020

Financial Sustainability: Reduce electricity costs with implementing a solar generation feasibility study

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at clean energy and how it can facilitate renewable energy opportunities to optimise energy and costs. In our experience, solar systems at similar premises could reduce: Electricity costs by up to 30% Carbon emission by over 50% Simple payback periods under 4 years. However, an independent feasibility study is needed to conclusively establish the opportunities at any given site. The proposed solar generation feasibility study may include: Establishing the solar project goals, including any desired profitability, expenditure limits and payback requirements Solar generation estimates based on our knowledge from previous site visits […]
August 4, 2020

Financial Sustainability: Improve business opportunities with correct electricity tariffs

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at managing types of energy supply costs to obtain best value for money. As part of the energy management process, you need to make sure the most appropriate electricity tariff is being used at your premises.  To minimise electricity charges, you need to select the most suitable electricity retail and network tariff and establish a consumption pattern to take advantage of both tariffs. Electricity network service providers or electricity retailers cannot suggest the correct network tariff for you, because they do not have an in-depth knowledge of your premises.  The responsibility to […]
August 26, 2020

Financial Sustainability: Improve business opportunities with Peak Power Demand Control

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at controlling electrical demand and associated demand costs. Part of the energy management process is to establish a consumption pattern to take full advantage of the premise’s electricity tariff. Clients on ALL demand type tariffs need to make sure they are controlling their electrical peak power demand and energy to minimise electricity costs. Please remember money spent on electricity costs cannot be spent on business opportunities or growing the business. There are a variety of demand and Time-of-Use demand tariffs comprising: A charge for the maximum or peak power demand which is […]