
December 2, 2020

Improve Energy Performance: “What gets measured, gets done”

Further to our previous blog, a diverse “multi-path” approach is required for energy management to reduce energy, greenhouse gas emissions and operating costs.  Two of the paths previously suggested include comparing energy efficiency between diverse premises (building power signatures) and the five-steps to successful energy management.  This discussion continues with power bench marking  to help in reducing energy costs.  Remember “What gets measured, gets done”. Load Factor (LF): Is a measure or indication of the extent to which the electricity supply is fully utilised i.e. the higher the better, up to 100%.  It is a measure of the volatility in […]
December 14, 2020

Improve Energy Performance: Measurement and Verification – Part 1 of 3

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at Measurement and Verification (M&V) plans.  Energy and water use remain a controllable cost and energy or water users can make significant savings through a systematic approach to the management of energy or water.  One of the steps to energy or water management is to report and measure progress, which includes M&V. M&V is the process of using measurements to reliably determine actual saving created within a facility or building.  Some of the key points of M&V is outlined in the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP).  The IPMVP is prepared […]
January 4, 2021

Improve Energy Performance: Measurement and Verification – Part 2 of 3

Continuing from our previous blog, this discussion looks at four options on measurement and verification (M&V) plans: Option A:  Retrofit Isolation Option A applies to a single Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) with the key parameter measured.  Savings are determined by field measurement of the key performance parameter(s), which define the energy use of the ECM.  Non-key parameters are estimated.  For example, an energy-efficient pump/motor upgrade may estimate annual pump operating hours (non-key parameter) and measure the electrical motor power (key parameter). Option B:  Retrofit Isolation Option B applies to a single ECM with all parameters measured.  Savings are determined by […]
January 13, 2021

Improve Energy Performance: Measurement and Verification – Part 3 of 3

Continuing from our previous blog and finalising our discussion on measurement and verification (M&V), with two other M&V issues. Cooling and Heating Degree Days:  As part of the adjustments the regression analysis may also include Cooling Degree days (CDD) and Heating Degree Days (HDD).  CDD are a simplified measure of how much cooling is likely for a building.  CDD may be approximately proportional to the energy used for cooling a building.  In general, daily CDD are the differences between the building balance point and the average outside temperature.   CDD are calculated for each day and then summed over a […]